The Question
Guy who wants one night of friendlies with a foxy lady: “Hey Frankie. How do I get laid at”
Me: “ Piece of cake. First, you just dress up like a piece of cake. Then, you take some time to think deeply about why you’re dressed up as cake. Once you’re done pondering your existence as some delicious cake, you fucking don’t!”
You have a better chance of hooking up with a sexy lady-shaped cake that you baked yourself than you do at
But why, Frankie? What’s wrong with
Since we’re on this whole cake trip…
What’s a word that rhymes with cake?
As in, fake members, fake profiles, fake emails.
Fake cake is shitty cake, by the way.
Tell me more, Frankie.
Oh I’ll tell you more, all right!
I don’t know about you, but when I think of sexy ladies, “Staff Profiles” isn’t the first thing that comes to mind.
But I want details!
STOP! Detail time!
Whoops. That was T-Rex time.
Once again we see the scamminess laid out in the Terms and Conditions. Or in this case, the “Terms of Use”.
At least we don’t have to dig too far in. Let’s have a look at Section 1:
We may, from time to time, create profiles which are created, maintained and managed by our employees (“Staff Profiles”). The purpose of these Staff Profiles is to enable us to ensure our Services are operating properly by testing the Services, features and functionalities, and to research our products and Services.
There’s some more blah after that, of course.
But the first sentence is the one that matters here (The subsequent sentences amount to something that rhymes with “borse bit”, IMHO.)
Why make those fake-ass profiles to begin with? Surely they can make sure that things aren’t fucked up on the site without having a bunch of fake profiles floating around that members CAN INTERACT WITH. I mean, come on. Not cool, OneNightFriend. Not cool.
I don’t believe you, Frankie!
No sweat. Enjoy the staff party!
The rest of us? No. We’re not going. Thanks though.
So how the hell am I supposed to get laid?
Sign up to a legit dating site.
Click here and check out the sites I’ve listed. Sign up to one of those sites and you’ll find loads of women who want to get laid. No bullshit attached. No scams.
TL;DR Nope. Scam.
I have been had for hundreds by onenightfreinds
Hey Oscar.
Brutal. That really sucks. Thanks for the warning though. It’s appreciated.