The Question
Guy who wants to get laid: “Hey Frankie. How do I get laid at”
Me: “ Shit. That’s easy. All you gotta do is slide an ace up your sleeve. Old-timey western style. Just like those cowboys, with an ace up your sleeve, you’ve got it made, you know? Anyhoo, when it’s time to lay your cards on the table, you just, real nonchalant like, slide that ace out and boom! A royal you fucking don’t!”
Poker? Ha! You won’t even meet ‘er at
But why, Frankie? What’s wrong with
In a nutshell? Three things.
Fake members. Which means fake profiles. Which means fake emails.
Which means scam.
Tell me more, Frankie.
Imagine someone told you they wanted to deceive you in order to “enhance your amusement experience” with something. I’m going to guess that you’d probably tell them to suck it.
Well, welcome to the land of XCheaters. Where you don’t have to imagine being deceived because that’s what actually happens!
I mean, who the hell wants to be tricked into thinking something is real when it’s not? Yeesh.
But I want details!
With pleasure.
Super pro tip number one:
The Terms and Conditions page is your friend.
Remember this:
Whenever you check out a dating site that you’re thinking of signing up to, always check out the T&C page first.
Why? Because the Terms and Conditions page is the one (and only) page on these sites that you’ll get anything resembling the truth. Buried in the legal gobbledygook that these sites are obliged to have is where the secrets come out.
For example, let’s have a look at section I6 of XCheaters’ terms:
In order to enhance your amusement experience, to stimulate you and others to use our Services more extensively, and to generally sprinkle some sparkle and excitement into the Services of XCHEATERS.COM, we may post fictitious profiles, generate or respond to communications by means of automated programs or scripts that simulate or attempt to simulate your intercommunication with another real human being (though none really exists and any dialog is generated by programming), and we may employ or contract for the paid services of real persons who may interact with you as part of their compensated employment.
Not a lot of gray area with the words “fictitious profiles”.
How about a little more?
While these communications may seem genuine, authentic, and personal, they may be broadcast simultaneously to a large number of persons and possess none of these qualities. While their contents may appear to be true, they may be quite false; while their contents may appear to sincere, they may be quite disingenuous.
That, to me, is pretty cut and dried.
I don’t believe you, Frankie!
Well, no one’s forcing you to, so… don’t? No skin off my nose.
That said, if it was me reading about the whole “fictitious profiles” thing, I’d nope the fuck out of there posthaste.
Anyway, if you still feel the need to subject yourself to the nonsense, go ahead and give it a whirl. Be sure to light some of your money on fire while you’re at it.
When you’re all done wasting your time and money, come on back. We’ll welcome you back with open arms, and only a few I-told-you-sos. Awww. Now isn’t that nice?
So how the hell am I supposed to get laid?
Sign up to a legit dating site.
Click here and check out the sites I’ve listed. Sign up to one of those sites and you’ll find loads of women who want to get laid. No bullshit attached. No scams.
TL;DR Nope. Scam.
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