The Question
Bro who totally wants to bang hot chicks: “Hey Frankie. How do I get laid at”
Me: “ No problemo, bro. Just go get your best Ed Hardy shirt out of the closet, put it on so you look like the baddest of motherfuckers, and you fucking don’t!”
There will be no coming at anybody at, bro.
But why, Frankie? What’s wrong with
Let me start off by saying that is run by the same company as, a site we’ve already established is top-grade scamola.
So what does that mean, everybody?
Say it with me now! Fake members, fake profiles, fake emails!
Tell me more, Frankie.
FlirtLocal wants to “sprinkle some sparkle” (Their words. Not mine.) into their services! Keep reading to find out what the hell that means.
But I want details!
Always with the details…
It’s pretty much always the same place where you’re going to find the truth about a site. The good old Terms and Conditions. Otherwise known as the T&C, or Terms of Use, or sometimes just plain old Terms.
In any case, let’s head on over to FlirtLocal and click on the Terms & Conditions link at the bottom of the page. Way down in paragraph 6 of Section I is where the magic is. That’s where the motherfucking sparkle is!
In order to enhance your amusement experience, to stimulate you and others to use our Services more extensively, and to generally sprinkle some sparkle and excitement into the Services of FLIRTLOCAL.COM, we may post fictitious profiles, generate or respond to communications by means of automated programs or scripts that simulate or attempt to simulate your intercommunication with another real human being (though none really exists and any dialog is generated by programming), and we may employ or contract for the paid services of real persons who may interact with you as part of their compensated employment.
Oooh… sparkly.
And just cuz we’re there already, check this out:
While these communications may seem genuine, authentic, and personal, they may be broadcast simultaneously to a large number of persons and possess none of these qualities. While their contents may appear to be true, they may be quite false; while their contents may appear to sincere, they may be quite disingenuous.
Awesome, right? No.
Anyhoo… Boom. Details.
I don’t believe you, Frankie!
All good, bro. So, hey… What’s the opposite of gains?
Oh, that’s right. Losses.
Yeah, that’s what’ll happen to your time and money at FlirtLocal. You will lose both of those things for no gains.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
So how the hell am I supposed to get laid?
Sign up to a legit dating site.
Click here and check out the sites I’ve listed. Sign up to one of those sites and you’ll find loads of women who want to get laid. No bullshit attached. No scams.
TL;DR Nope. Scam.
Well shit I’ve been taken I guess.. I just want real results
Hey Robert.
That sucks, man. Thanks for chiming in to warn other dudes though. Much appreciated.
FlirtLocal is a scam I have wasted £30.00 for nothing it’s a ripoff all theses women are fake so be warn!
Hey Colin.
Man, that really sucks that you got shafted. These shady sites are relentless. Thanks for letting people know your experience though. Hopefully it helps someone else not get burned too.
Ah yes. This is why I’m doing my research before I fork over $100 for 6 months of fake scams on this site. I can’t believe this shit is even legal.
Hey Chuck.
Good on you for doing your due diligence. Of course, it would be nice if people could just trust a site to be what it says it is, but apparently that’s still asking too much. And agreed on not believing how they can just keep getting away with duping people. It’s mind-boggling. Hope you find what you’re looking for, man. Good luck!